
Microsoft Azure

How is Performance Load Balancing performed in Azure?

Traffic is routed via DNS to the "closest" endpoint based on the lowest latency between the client and the Azure Data Center hosting the...

What is Round Robin Load Balancing?

Each traffic request is directed to the next endpoint in the list of endpoints so traffic is evenly distributed across all endpoints. Correct Answer!...

What is Failover Load Balancing in Azure?

Traffic is directed to Healthy endpoints as the result of monitoring, so that traffic is not directed to a server that is in a...

How is Traffic Manager implemented to route Web App traffic to an appropriate website endpoint?

It's configured at the DNS level, so that DNS resolution directs which endpoint to route traffic to. Correct Answer!It acts as a Proxy...

Once an App Service Web App has been created, how can the VM Size (CPU and Memory) be changed for the VM’s that host...

Change the Pricing Tier for the Web App to the one with the desired CPU/Memory resources. Correct Answer!The Web App must be deleted,...

Which performance metrics are supported for triggering Web App Auto-Scaling?

All of the options Correct Answer!CPU PercentageMemory PercentageData OutDisk Queue LengthHTTP Queue LengthData InShow Answer!

WebJobs can be written in?

All of the options Correct Answer!PowerShell.NETJavaPythonBashPHPNode.jsShow Answer!