General EnglishQuiz‘Claustrophobia’ is one word substitute for?ShareFacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp fear of narrow or enclosed spacesCorrect Answer!fear of open or public spacesfear of heightsfear or aversion to strangers or foreignersShow Answer! Leave a ReplyCancel reply TopicsCG Patwari 2022Read more Sports and EducationThe Educational Journey of Lionel Messi: From Classroom to Soccer Stardom Nutrition and AgricultureMakhana Cultivation in India: From Seed to Automation TechnologyTop Engineering Colleges in India Offering B.Tech/BE in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Career DevelopmentAccenture’s Packaged App Development Associate Hiring: Opportunities for Freshers and Experienced Professionals Amazon QuizAmazon Quiz Time (24th Nov 2023)More for you AzureWhen using Azure Resource Manager, you can use a _ for deployment, which can build identical environments for different work scenarios such as testing,... CricketWhich cricketer was appointed as the new brand ambassador of JioMart? AzureOnly a single Application can be hosted within a Web App. Multiple Web Apps need to be created to host multiple applications. AzureYou need to transfer several TBs of data to Azure Datacenter, but uploading over the network is not feasible due to limited bandwidth, then...