CSVTU BE (Seventh Semester), Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering – 337711(37) 2012 – May – June Question Paper




[vc_text_separator title=”UNIT – I”]

1. List the functions of frame. Draw suitable diagrams & write characteristics of different types of frames. (Any Two) 8 marks

2. State the functions of suspension system in an automobile. With neat sketch write the working of torsion bar? 8 marks

3. Name of various types of suspension springs. Sketch various types of leaf springs and explain briefly. (Any three) 8 marks

[vc_text_separator title=”UNIT – II”]

1. What are the functions of clutch? State the working of single plate clutch giving suitable sketch? 8 marks

2. State the construction, principle and characteristics of a fluid flywheel? 8 marks

3. A centrifugal clutch is to transmit 35 KW at 750 rpm when engaged at 75 % of the running speed. The inside diameter is 36 cm and the radial distance of the center of gravity of each shoe from the shaft axis is 15 cm. Assuming µ = 0.3 determine the necessary weight of each shoe of the above clutch? 8 marks

[vc_text_separator title=”UNIT – III”]

1. Show the arrangement of torque changes in a constant mesh gear box? State the advantages of a constant mesh gear box over the sliding mesh type? 8 marks

2. What is an overdrive? State its construction, working and method of control? 8 marks

3. In a gear box the clutch shaft pinion has 16 teeth. The corresponding lay shaft pinion have 40 and 20 teeth. The rear axle ratio is 4:1 and the effective radius of the the rear tyre is 36 cm. Calculate the car speed in the above arrangement at an engine speed of 2600 rpm? 8 marks

[vc_text_separator title=”UNIT – IV”]

1. State the need of a differential. Write the principle and working of differential. (8 marks)

2. With neat diagram write brief note on : (8 marks)

Hotch kiss drive
Torque tube drive

3. The resistance to the motion of a motor cae when running on the level with the engine free is given by R = a + bv2, where a and b are constants and v is in km/hr. A vehicle weighing 18 KN with a free engine while running down a slope of 1 in 30 reaches a speed of 56 km/hr, while running down a slope of 1 in 20 reaches a speed of 80 km/hr. The engine is de-clutched after the car is run upto 96 km/hr on level. Assuming that the mean resistance during running down is 45% of that 96 km/hr. Calculate the distance run by vehicle before it comes to rest : (8 marks)

If brakes are not applied
If in addition to resistance above a contant braking force of 3 KN is applied.

[vc_text_separator title=”UNIT – V”]

1 .Write the principle and working of power steering? 8 marks

2. Sketch a typical automobile lighting circuit and write a brief note on it? 8 marks

3. A motor car has a wheel base of 2.8 m and pivot center of 1.2 m. The front and rear wheel track is 1.4 m. Calculate the correct angle of outside lock and turning circle radius of the outer front and inner rear wheels when the angle of inside lock is 40º. 8 marks

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