CSVTU BE (Seventh Semester), Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering – 337711(37) 2011 – Nov-Dec Question Paper



BE (Seventh Semester), Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering – 337711(37) – 2011 – Nov-Dec Question Paper


1. Draw the layout of the transmission system of a four wheel driven automobile. Write the functions of main components. (4+4 marks)
2. State the functions of the frame? Explain briefly suitable sketch? What are defects in frames? (2+4+2 marks)
3. With neat sketch write about helper springs and torsion bar? Differentiate between spring and shock absorber? (3+3+2 marks)


1. Sketch single plate clutch showing different components. Derive expressions for effective mean radius in case of a single plate clutch assuming different conditions? (3+5 marks)
2. A multiple plate clutch is to be designed for a motor bike whose engine develops maximum torque of 160 Nm at 4000 rpm. The external radius of the clutch facings is limited to 120 mm and the inner radius may be assumed to be 0.7 times the external radius. The maximum intensity of pressure may be taken as 90 KN/m2 and µ = 0.4. Calculate the number of plates? 8 marks
3. Draw neat sketch of fluid flywheel? State the principle and construction of fluid flywheel? 8 marks


1. Why a gear box necessary in an automobile? List the resistance to be overcome by moving vehicle? (2+6 marks)
2. How are the constant mesh transmissions arranged for obtaining torque changes? State the advantages of a constant mesh gear box over the sliding mesh type? (6+2 marks)
3. With suitable figure write the construction and working of torque converter? (4+4 marks)


1. Two shafts A and B whose axes are intersecting but inclined to each other at 10º are connected by means of a Hooke’s joint. A flywheel of weight 160 N and radius of gyration 60 mm is fitted to shaft B. If the shaft A rotates at uniform speed of 1800 rpm, what is the maximum torque in B? 8 marks
2. Briefly explain Hotchkiss drive the toque tube drive giving neat sketch? (4+4 marks)
3. Give the classification of brakes from different considerations? Write the working of any type of mechanical brake with the help of neat sketch? (4+4 marks)


1. Briefly write about following steering geometry : 8 marks
King pin inclination
Toe in and toe out
2. A motor car has a wheel base of 2.8 m and pivot center of 1.1 m. The front and rear wheel track is 1.3 m. Calculate the correct angle of outside lock and turning circle radius of the outer front and inner rear wheels when the angle of inside lock is 50º. 8 marks
3. Draw the simple wiring diagram of the electrical system of an automobile? List the main components of the electrical system? 8 marks

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